Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Slightly or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 83%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Irregular clouds with snowfall
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 89%
Snow limit: N/A
Part of Vals in Nordtirol, extending…
The Lake Trail round Lake Obernberg…
The court of Steinach was the…
Due to the natural beauty of the landscape,…
From the mountain climber village of Schmirn,…
The living mill village in the Gschnitztal, a…
The market town of Matrei am Brenner…
Mühlbachl was the junction of two main trade…
In Navis, only a stone’s throw from the…
Once upon a time, in the village the Matrei…
Neustift im Stubaital, with the…
Fulpmes, stilll today the centre for iron…
A ride with the Summer Coaster Mieders, which…
Every year, Telfes im Stubai, the most…
Particularly striking is the…