Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Low cloud layers
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 86%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Occasional clouds
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 86%
Snow limit: N/A
One of the most important buildings of the…
Lienz, known as the “Pearl of the…
In close proximity to Nussdorf-Debant,…
Lake Tristach, a popular recreation area,…
Near Amlach at the foot of the Lienz Dolomites…
Oberlienz, one of the three “Sun…
Leisach represents the starting point of the…
Iselsberg-Stronach offers a great…
Dölsach is located near the Roman settlement…
Still today, alpine pastures make up half of the…
At the border to Carintha there is the mountain…
Already in the 13th century mining started…
From the flying and gliding airfield near…
High above the valley there’s the…