Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Slightly or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 90%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Overcast with light rain
Wind (km/h): -
Humidity: 99%
Snow limit: N/A
St. Jakob in Haus with its Pillersee…
Waidring, located at the foot of the Loferer…
From Mt. Wildseeloder high above the…
The holiday resort Hochfilzen in the…
The mountain spring water and the health…
Murmi’s Kinderland, a 1,200 sqm…
A special natural highlight above St.…
At the Müllnerhof farm in Oberndorf,…
Kitzbühel is one of the most famous Austrian…
One of the most popular…
There are two beautiful lakes in the…
The bathing lake of Going was…
Did you know, that Jochberg is seat of the…
Ellmau am Wilden Kaiser has been setting for…
Beauitful hikes lead you from…
High above Scheffau am Wilden…
Every year on the occasion of Corpus…
Mt. Hohe Salve, the local mountain of Söll,…
The Alpenrosenbahn takes you from…