Saturday 8 February 09:30
Sunday 9 February 10:00

International Tyrolean Koasalauf

2 dates
from Saturday, 8 February 2025
to Sunday, 9 February 2025

This event already took place.


St. Johann in Tirol , Koasa Stadium
Kitzbüheler Alpen - St. Johann in Tirol,
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The International Tyrolean Koasalauf in the Wilder Kaiser region is one of Austria's largest cross-country skiing events. In February 2025, it will celebrate its 50th anniversary and return to its usual format with around 2,000 participants.

With the Wilder Kaiser mountain range – the Koasa – always in view, the courses will take participants on 8 and 9 February along trails around St. Johann in Tirol, Niederhofen, Kirchdorf, and Rettenbach. The classic and skating competitions cover distances of eight, 22, and 45 kilometres. The Super-Mini-Koasalauf over 800 metres and the Mini-Koasalauf over two and four kilometres challenge even the youngest skiers, with the emphasis, of course, on fun.

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