Fondue Night atop Zugspitze
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Ehrwald Hotels EhrwaldDescription
Elevated dining in the true sense of the word: Take a memorable evening ride with Tirol Zugspitzbahn Gondola and enjoy a delicious meat fondue atop Germany’s highest mountain this summer!
From mid-May through early November, the Panorama Summit Restaurant serves tantalizing delights with a view: On Wednesday and some Friday nights, you can gather around a sizzling pot to watch your delicious meat fondue called Fondue Bourguignonne while it is prepared. Accompanied by music entertainment, your Fondue Bourguignonne is served with delicious side dishes like French fries, potatoes, salads and finished off with mouth-watering desserts. And what’s best, the most romantic sunset in the mountains you can imagine. Dinner starts at 6:30pm; the last downhill ride departs at 9:30pm.
The Fondue Night includes uphill and downhill ride with Tirol Zugspitzbahn Gondola and admission to the museum exhibitions called “Fascination Zugspitze” and “Bahnorama anno 1926” and is Euro 104.50 per adult and Euro 43.00 per child aged 6 to 15. Dinner only is at Euro 44.00/Euro 29.00.
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